Ducklings have arrived in my household and bunnies have arrived in the Tree House Blue household, we really are feeling full of the joys of Spring.
In keeping with this wonderful vintage image of ducks and bunnies ,( that incidentally was another Country Living Show purchase from many years ago) the new range of Maileg bunnies have a nautical or watery theme attached to them.
The baby bunnies are just so sweet in their little romper suits and the medium bunnies even
Our new little arrivals will not need armbands I am sure because they are already trying to bathe in their water bowl which results in a hilarious scene in which one duckling gets into the bowl then the other pushes him out and so it goes on with 2 little ducklings going round and round in circles until one finally gives up!
Demonstrating our family and company ethos of "no batteries required" my twin daughters asked for a duckling for their 12th birthday and after a few seconds deliberation on my part we decided to do it!
Far better than the computer games and mobile phones so many other 12 year olds ask for I thought, so I decided to delay the inevitable requests for these in the future and run with the ducklings idea or should that be waddle!
I made a duckling cake which looks homemade I know, but the girls appreciated it and their little brother Toby declared that for his present to his sisters he was going to dig their ducklings a pond.
I can see now that when we are going on our searches for new products, there may become a bit of a duck theme because they are incredibly funny and sweet to watch, ours should grow up to become the white aylesbury ducks and they have been named "puddle" and "poppy".