Well, it finally arrived the end of term and the start of the Summer holidays. We go away soon to our second home in Bulgaria where we exchange our English village for a traditional Bulgarian one, and we are all very excited. I think Toby has caught the bug first by finding the hundreds of paper airplanes he made after Christmas, and with his friend Jo took them out onto the front lawn and proceeded to launch every single one of them. The girls looked out the window horrified calling " mum look at the mess Toby has made!" I looked out the window and it was such a lovely sight seeing the boys playing with their planes surrounded by all the ones they had launched so far, I had to run and get my camera in order to capture the image.
Paper airplanes are such a lovely nostalgic item, at the shop we now have a twist on this with postcards made from balsa wood which when written can be made into airplanes and posted! I am sure Toby would love to receive one of these. We also have a whole new range of paper airplane goodies just in time for my holiday. There's a purse and travel wallet designed as though it is an airmail letter, as well as a large bag which would be a perfect hand luggage bag
and then a photo album to put all the photos of your holiday in. They are all just so quirky and different, a definite pre holiday treat for yourself or a gift for someone about to go travelling.

We have a wonderful farmer who lives opposite us who looks after our house and plants our garden with tomatoes and chillies so that they are ready just in time for our arrival. I have plans to make lots of pasta sauce this year because I couldn't bear to see the wastage when we left last year, we were literally drowning in tomatoes. My own tomatoes instead will be enjoyed by my wonderful house sitters I am sure, I think also they will get some broccoli and lettuce and no end supply of potatoes.

If the airmail range doesn't tempt you then the travel map range which not only includes the travel wallet and passport cover but also a luggage tag might. This range definitely has an air of sophistication about it I think.
Not everyone in the household is as excited about going away for 3 weeks though, Ellen is very concerned about the animals and is going to miss them all dreadfully. I can understand why she feels this way, only today the ducks had us giggling and running for the camera when we found them hiding in my sage bush, all we could see was a rustling in the bush and then suddenly these two cheeky little ducks would pop up. Great entertainment!
Luckily for them we have 3 sets of friends who are coming to stay in our house each week and look after them for us. I just need to convince Ellen that they are going to enjoy their little holiday just as much as us. Its not as if she wont have any contact with animals on holiday, we usually have a gaggle of ducks and geese waiting at our front gate in the morning ready for their breakfast.
and the donkeys wake us with their braying each day. We usually play the game of who can guess the correct number of donkey and carts we will see on our way to the beach each day, some how dad always wins, I think it must have something to do with the many alternative routes he takes each time! cheeky!!

Luckily my dahlia bloomed just in time for me to enjoy it before we go away. I have never grown dahlias before but my 2 neighbours have a bit of a rivalry thing going on' who can grow the prettiest biggest dahlias'. I would like to say it is friendly rivalry but I don't think it is! Anyway I have been drawn into the contest by one neighbour who presented me with a bulb and said " Here you go Sam see if you can grow that". Help!! So I planted my bulb and watched it grow into what was starting to look a bit like a triffid before I took the courage to plant it outside and hopefully avoid any late frost. It was looking a bit iffy for a while, I was beginning to think I had grown a stalk but no flower, but then it started to appear and now I have an enormous yellow bloom! No comparison I know to the many many enormous blooms grown in my neighbours gardens but myself and the children are just as pleased with ours.
I was also able to cheer Ellen up a little by being able to pick our first handful of sweet peas, she particularly loves the smell of them and immediately found one of my jugs to display them in. The trouble is the flowers look lovely in jugs but I also like to use the jugs, and I do have trouble using something for food that has had flowers in. Then I realised that what we need is a new vase to put our sweet peas in, but one that looked vintage, utilitarian and practical and as luck would have it TreeHouseBlue have just got in the vintage American milk bottle vases which I know would look so great with the sweet peas in.

I was meaning to write to tell you that I'd included your lovely princess and the pea by Maileg in a post on my new blog. I downloaded a photo from your website with a link to your site ,hope you don't mind. Pleased to see you have a blog as well. Great!!! Funny because I've just written about postal-themed things and you have too...
Hi Deborah,
Thank you for letting me know you used one of our products in your blog, I loved your blog and am looking forward to seeing your website. I am always telling Susie we need to go over to France to do some flea market shopping, so maybe you will do the job for us!
I am really enjoying creating the blog, even my children get involved in finding material etc.I am not sure how to publicise it a bit more as I would love people like yourself to pass comment but also to find other bloggers who are like minded. It isnt just about highlighting our products though that helps too.
Good luck with the website launch.
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